Deadline: January 7, 2025.
Medical and health career education has faced constant challenges, and we have had to adapt and innovate in many aspects, with new generations of teachers and residents. New forms of teaching and competency assessment have been developed, adapted to the local reality; new virtual technologies, artificial intelligence, simulation and at many levels, among other innovations, have been incorporated. We have addressed major challenges in mental health issues, and interesting initiatives have been developed to promote well-being in health personnel. Residents have often also played an important leadership role, frequently leading changes in their institutions for which quality monitoring is a central aspect.
We invite all teachers from all health careers and residents to share their experiences:
What innovations have been useful, and could be useful for others? The topics are broad, and will be classified into the following categories:
- Wellbeing and mental health (in residents and health teams)
- Innovation in teaching and/or assessment
- Simulation, virtual platforms/use of innovative technologies in teaching (TECs)
- CBME / Competency-based education
- Research in medical education and health sciences
- Resident experiences (resident projects on how to improve their programs: leadership, innovation, mentoring, etc.).
- Humanism in medicine
- Teaching development/Faculty development
- Miscellaneous: Resident selection; equity, diversity, inclusion; others.
All those interested in medical resident education and other health professions are invited to submit their papers to be presented at the Latin American Congress on Resident Education, LACRE 2025.
Abstracts may be written in Spanish or English.
Papers may be accepted for ORAL or POSTER presentation.
Detailed instructions for presentation will be sent to those accepted in due time.
Only abstracts sent online through the platform will be accepted (abstracts will not be received via e-mail).
- Maximum of 350 words (abstract text, not including title or authors)
- Use the following format:
- Title of the work: In CAPITAL LETTERS
- Authors and Affiliation:
Last name, First name of the main author and each co-author. (e.g. Pérez Juan, Rojas Paula, Moreno Luz.)
Institution and Country. (e.g. University of xx. Brazil)
Contact email of the main author and the presenter
- The abstract should include the following sections:
Objective, Method, Results, Discussion and Conclusions
- Abstracts stating “results will be presented and discussed” will not be accepted (they must be described in the submitted abstract).
- Include 2 keywords